SHO413 Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

FALL SEMESTER, 2011-2012
Dr. Tarık TUNCAY
Course Dates: Every Friday at 09.00 & 11.00 for 2 hours
About the Course
This course aims to help 7th semester of social work students in understanding and practicing social work in the health settings. Hospitals and health care settings are the primary employers of social workers in Turkey. Thus, students need a basic training on how to effectively help, individuals, groups, families and communities affected by various illnesses directly or indirectly. The role of the social worker on the health care team in various settings and on different levels of the health care continuum will be also examined during the course.
Objectives of the Course
At the end of the semester, each student will be able to do:
  1. Understand the history and scope of social work practice in health care settings;
  2. Assess the context in which social work practice in health settings occurs;
  3. Assess the role of the social worker in health care team;
  4. Demonstrate basic assessment skills of the client system(s) that incorporate the biological, psychosocial, and environmental determinants of health in social work practice;
  5. Implement effective interventions that are based on an assessment of the needs, strengths and goals of the client system(s);
  6. Evaluate ethical dilemmas and legal issues that are likely to occur in social work practice in health care settings;
  7. Advocate for social work practices in health care that promote social justice.
Teaching Methods
Classes will include lectures and class discussions. Participation and contributions of each student to the lecture will be considered by the instructor. So please, let your voice be heard by your classmates and the instructor. Class discussions will focus on assigned readings and content of lectures by the instructor.
Methods of Evaluation
The course will allow students to deal with a wide range of issues in the health field when they become ‘fresh’ social workers. In order to accomplish the main aim of the course, students are asked to read all listed references and documents not only before the written exams, but also before the lectures. This is the only way of succeeding the course.
A. Written Exams
There will be two written exams: midterm and final exams. Exams will be comprehensive, closed book exams that may consist of both objective type (e.g. multiple choice, fill in the blanks, short answer, etc.) and essay questions. Questions will cover all the contents presented before the exam dates including information from lectures by the instructor and required readings. The results and scores of the exams will be announced on the web site of the lecturer ( in 10 days after the exam.

B. Term (Second midterm) Paper
Students are expected to find and select a book (a biography, novel, narrative etc.) to read that is written by or about someone who has experienced a serious physical or mental illness and then write a scholarly paper that includes:
1. Basic information about the illness (medical description, diagnostic procedures, treatment, side effects of treatment, etc.);
2. psychological, emotional, cultural, spiritual and social aspects of the illness;
3. a review of the academic literature that describes psychosocial interventions by social work or other health care providers with patients, families or significant others who have experienced the same or similar illness;
4. an analysis of the impact of illness on the ill person about whom the book is written and the impact on his/her family and significant others;
4) an evaluation of coping skills used by the patient, family, and significant others (e.g. what coping skills were used and how effectively they were used); and
5) implications for social work practice.
The paper should be approximately 10-12 pages and must include at least 10 references to the academic literature. References to the Internet can supplement the academic references, but Wikipedia or other various personal web sites are not considered as an academic reference.
The final due date for the paper is November, 25 2011. Nevertheless, students may turn in the paper any time between October, 21 and November, 25, 2011. The paper will be evaluated, graded, and returned to the student within two weeks. There will be a 10 point penalty if the paper is turned in late after the final due date.
Written midterm exam: %20; Term paper: %20; Final exam: %60
Students are also expected to be present for every class session of the course. Success in the course depends heavily on one’s attendance and participation in the classroom. Attendance will be checked by ‘the signature list of students’. With reference to H.U. Regulation of Undergraduate Education, students must attend at least 70% theoretical hours of the lectures (article number 16).
Course Schedule
Naturally, the course is divided into fifteen weeks of fall semester including examination days. Listed below are the detailed week-by-week topics, required and suggested readings of the course.

WEEK 1-2

- Brief introduction to the course and orientation of the students
- Historical background and development of social work in the health field.
- Theoretical perspectives
   - The person-in-environment perspective
   - The biopsychosocial model
   - The medical model
   - Health care and medical care
   - Curing and caring
Required reading
Lois A. Fort Cowles (2000) Social Work in the Health Field.
The Haworth Press. Pp.3-15
- Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmetin Kapsamı
- Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmetin tarihçesi (Türkiye)
- Yasal Çerçeve: Yataklı Tedavi Kurumları İşletme Yönetmeliği (Fulltext link - PDF)
- Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet Uygulaması Yönergesi (Fulltext link - PDF)

Required reading
Duyan, V (1996) Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet, Ankara. Pp.1-20
WEEK 3-4

-The social construction of health and illness
   - What is meant by ‘health’
   - What is meant by ‘illness’
   Required reading
M. Senior & B. Viveash (1998) Health and Illness. Macmillan Press. Pp.3-10
- Social work roles in the health-care settings
   - The limits of the medical approach
   - Health settings and the social worker’s place within them
   - The social worker’s role on health teams
   - Social work as part of the design of health care
   - The interdisciplinary approach: collaborating with other professionals
   - Health social work recommendations
Required readings
   T. Arthur Browne (2006) “Social work roles and health-care settings”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. : Wiley, Pp. 23-42.
Duyan, V (1996) Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet, Ankara. Pp.101-113

- Theories of health behavior
   - The use of theory in social work practice and research
   - Rational choice-based theoretical approaches
   - Social network-based theoretical approaches
   - Social action theory
   - The behavioral model of health services use

Required reading
   Sarah Gehlert (2006) “Theories of Health Behavior”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. Wiley, Pp. 179-193.

- Midterm Exam
Students are responsible to read all of the required (Turkish and English) readings mentioned above. In class discussions and contributions of Dr. Tuncay are also included for the preparation to the exam. (Dictionaries are not allowed during the exam)
- Physical and mental health: interactions, assessment, and intervention PART I
   - Psychosocial conditions and increased risk of illness
   - Physical illness and the role of mental health
   - Assessing psychosocial conditions in health-care settings
   - Microsystems
   - Prevalence, detection, and screening: anxiety and mood disorders
   - Differential assessment: anxiety and mood disorders

Required reading
Malitta Engstrom (2006) “Physical and mental health: interactions, assessment, and intervention”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. Wiley, Pp. 194-251.

- Physical and mental health: interactions, assessment, and intervention PART II
   - Suicide
   - Psychosocial intervention strategies in health-care settings
   - Information and psychoeducation
   - Adherence counseling
   - Stress management and health supporting behaviors
   - Coping enhancement
   - Family and social support and spiritual resources
   - Interventions to assist people experiencing depression and anxiety disorders
Required reading
Malitta Engstrom (2006) “Physical and mental health: interactions, assessment, and intervention”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. Wiley, Pp. 194-251.

- Values and ethics considerations
- Rights of patients
Required readings
Tıbbi Deontoloji Nizamnamesi (1960)
Anayasada Hasta Hakları
Hasta Hakları Yönetmeliği (1998)
Hasta Hakları Uygulama Yönergesi (2005)
Hekim Seçme ve Değiştirme Yönergesi (2007)
   Kisa, A., and Tengilimoglu, D. (2002). Patients' rights in Turkey. Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs, 19(1), p.55.

- Oncology social work
   - The history of psycho-oncology
   - Cancer epidemiology and treatment
   - How is cancer treated?
   - Cancer as a chronic disease
   - The meaning of cancer
   - Cancer and families
   - When a child has cancer (pediatric oncology)
   - Elderly family members with cancer
   - Social worker comments
Required readings
Allison Werner-Lin and Nancee M. Biank (2006) “Oncology social work”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. Wiley, Pp. 507-531.
Joan Beder (2006) “Oncology social work with adults”, Hospital social work: the interface of medicine and caring, N.Y. Routledge, Pp. 81-94.
Suggested readings
Tuncay, T. (2009). “Genç Kanser Hastalarının Hastalık Anlatılarının Güçlendirme Yaklaşımı Temelinde Analizi”, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 20(2), 69-88. (Fulltext link - PDF)
Tuncay, T. (2010). “Kanserle Başetmede Destek Grupları”, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 21(1), 59-71. (Fulltext link - PDF)
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2010, January 25). Pediatric oncology social work: Interview with Barbara Jones, Ph.D., MSW [Episode 55]. Social Work Podcast. (Fulltext link - PDF)
WEEK 11-12

- Nephrology social work
   - End stage renal disease as a public health issue
   - Psychosocial aspects
   - Ramifications of psychosocial issues
   - Social work intervention
Required reading
T. Arthur Browne (2006) “Nephrology social work”, Handbook of Health Social Work, N.J. : Wiley, Pp. 471-506.
Suggested reading
G., Özçürümez, N., Tanrıverdi, L., Zileli (2003) “Kronik böbrek yetmezliğinin psikiyatrik ve psikososyal yönleri”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 14(1), pp.72-80. (Fulltext link - PDF)
- Organ transplant social work
   - About organ transplantation
   - The patient experience
   - The donor experience
   - The transplant unit social worker
   - Social worker comments 
Required readings
Joan Beder (2006) “Organ transplant social work”, Hospital social work: the interface of medicine and caring, N.Y. Routledge, Pp. 57-68.
Levent, Yücetin (?) Organ Nakil Koordinatörü Görev Tanımı  (Fulltext link - PDF)
Levent, Yücetin (?) Aile İle Görüşme  (Fulltext link - PDF)
Ulusal Organ ve Doku Nakli Koordinasyon Sistemi Yönergesi (2008) (Fulltext link - PDF)

- Psychiatric social work
   - About mental illness
   - Information about DSM-IV: diagnostic and
      statistical manual of mental disorders
   - Social work and mental health: the history
   - The patient experience
   - The family experience
   - The hospital psychiatric social worker
   - The process of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
   - Social worker comments
   - The social dimension of mental illness
   - What is meant by ‘mental illness’
   - How is abnormality measured?
   - What effect might labeling have on the individual?
Required readings
Joan Beder (2006) “Social work on the psychiatric unit”, Hospital social work: the interface of medicine and caring, N.Y. Routledge, Pp. 151-161.
Çiğdem Arıkan ve Ladiper Dilek (1996) Ruh hastalıklarının tedavisinde psiko-sosyal bir boyut. Pp.1-90
M. Senior & B. Viveash (1998) “The Sociology of ‘Mental Illness’, Health and illness. Macmillan Press. Pp.216-251
Suggested readings
Bulut, I (2001) “Psikiyatrik sosyal hizmet”. Prof. Dr. Nihal Turan’a armağan. Pp. 130-134
Özdemir, U (2000) Türkiye’de pskiyatrik sosyal hizmet. Pp.1-33

- Social work on specific units in Hospitals Part I
   - The orthopedics unit
   - the obstetrics/gynecology unit
   - the neurology unit
   - the surgical unit
   - the geriatric unit
Required reading
Joan Beder (2006) “Social work on the psychiatric unit”, Hospital social work: the interface of medicine and caring, N.Y. Routledge, Pp. 12-20.
Duyan, V (1996) Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet, Ankara. Pp.118-150
- Social work on specific units in Hospitals Part II
   - The rehabilitation unit
   - The emergency room
Required reading
Joan Beder (2006) “Social work on the psychiatric unit”, Hospital social work: the interface of medicine and caring, N.Y. Routledge, Pp.109-121; 135-142.
Duyan, V (1996) Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet, Ankara. Pp. 118-150
- General evaluation for the course and its related topics
- Final exam (written)
Official Statement of the Course Description
The definition of medical and psychiatric social work. History of medical and psychiatric social work, regulations. Patients and their problems, psycho-social dimensions of the illnesses, medical and psychiatric social work in the hospital settings and in the community, social work interventions to the patients and their families, role and functions of the medical and psychiatric social worker, patients rights and ethics, teamwork and medical and psychiatric social worker.