SHO317 Social Work Management

Dr. Tarık TUNCAY
Course Dates: Every Monday and Friday at 09.00 for 4 hours at DZ10

About the Course
Social work is a profession that is practiced within the confines of an organization and the tasks that social workers carry out are defined by the nature of this organization. The most commonly defined roles have been a practitioner, a professional in a formal agency position, and a bureaucrat who must negotiate between the requirements of organizational life, their client's needs and the ethics of their profession. Therefore, social work is often described as an "organizational profession" because practitioners do most of their work in formal agency settings.
This course is designed to help 5th semester of social work students to understand and analyze managerial/administrative context of social work profession. The course also aims to review organizational theory and its implications for human service delivery system. As a popular topic of this century in social welfare practices, project management will be examined.
Teaching Methods
Classes will include lectures and class discussions. Participation and contributions of each student to the lecture will be considered by the instructor. So please, let your voice be heard by your classmates and the instructor. Class discussions will focus on assigned readings and content of lectures by the instructor.
Methods of Evaluation
In order to accomplish the main aim of the course, students are asked to read all listed references and documents not only before the written exams, but also before the lectures. This is the only way of succeeding the course.
There will be at least two written exams: midterm and final exams. Exams will be comprehensive, closed book exams that may consist of both objective type (e.g. multiple choice, fill in the blanks, short answer, etc.) and essay questions. Questions will cover all the contents presented before the exam dates including information from lectures by the instructor and required readings. The results and scores of the exams will be announced on the web site of the lecturer ( in 10 days after the exam.
Written midterm exam(s): %40; Final exam: %60
Students are also expected to be present for every class session of the course. Success in the course depends heavily on one’s attendance and participation in the classroom. Attendance will be checked by ‘the signature list of students’. With reference to H.U. Regulation of Undergraduate Education, students must attend at least 70% theoretical hours of the lectures (article number 16).

Course Schedule
Naturally, the course is divided into fifteen weeks of fall semester including examination days. Listed below are the detailed week-by-week topics, required and recommended readings of the course.


4-8 July
- Brief introduction to the course and orientation of the students in Turkish language
- Brief History of Management
- Basic Concepts of Management and Organization.
- Relationship between management and social work
Genç, N. (2004) “Birinci Bölüm: Yönetim ve Organizasyon” ve “İkinci Bölüm: Yönetim Düşüncesinin Tarihsel Gelişimi”
pp. 15-86

- Social Workers in Organizations
- Different forms of human service organizations
- Key players in social work organizations
- Social work and managerialism
- Evidence-based practice
- Best practice and practice guidelines
- Reflexive Approach
Hughes, M. & Wearing, M. (2009) “Chapter 1: Social Work in Organizations” pp.9-31.
White, V. & Harris, J. (2007) “Management” Social Work: A companion to learning, (M. Lymbery and K. Postle Eds.), London, Sage Pub., pp.240-268

11-15 July

- Theories for Organizational Management
    - Perspectives, theories, and models
    - The functions of organizations
- Theories about organizational maintenance
    - Systems theory
    - Institutional theory
- Theories about how people interact in organizations
    - Human relations theory
    - Organizational culture
    - Social constructionism
- Theories that explain the distribution of power and resources in organizations
    - Conflict theory
    - Power-dependency theory
- Theories about how organizations interact with the surrounding environment
    - Ecological theory
    - Political-economy theory
    - Models of management practice
    - Total quality management
    - Feminist management
Hardina, D. et al (2007) “Theories for Organizational Management: Toward the Development of an Empowering Approach” pp.19-44.

- The Structure of Social Service Organizations
    - Informal help among friends, relatives, and neighbors
    - Informal organizations
    - Formal organizations
    - Public organizations
    - Nonprofit organizations
    - For-profit organizations
    - The management structure of traditional nonprofit social service organizations: hierarchical leadership 

Hardina, D. et al (2007) “The Structure of Social Service Organizations: Where and How Do People Find Help?” pp.69-88.

- The Characteristics of Social Work Management
   - The Differences between Social Work Administration and Business
   - The Challenges Faced by Social Work Administration
   - Repositioning Non-Profit Voluntary Human Service Organizations
Tsui, M.-S., & Cheung, F. C. H. (2009) pp.148-157.


18-22 July
- Policy, Program and Administrative Structure of Direct Practice
   - Elements of Context of Practice
   - Overview of Social Policy as a Context of Practice
       - Keynesian Model of Social Welfare Policy
       - Schumpeterian Workfare Model of Social Welfare Policy
   - Regulatory Context of Practice
   - Organizational Context
of Practice
Plionis, E. M. (2007) pp.45-57.

- New Public Management
     - Language and social work
     - Impacts on social services   

Heffernan, K. (2006) pp.139-147.
Güzelsarı, S. (2004) pp.1-22. (Fulltext link - PDF)
Demirel, D. (2005) pp.105-135. (Fulltext link - PDF)

- Guest Lecturer
(A high level manager from Social Services and Child Protection Agency)


25-29 July

- Midterm Exam
Students are responsible to read all of the required readings mentioned above. In class discussions and contributions of Dr. Tuncay are also included for the preparation to the exam. (Dictionaries are not allowed during the exam)
Students are responsible for all readings given above.

- Organisational Change
    - Four dimensions of environmental change
    - Planning for change
    - Strategic planning
    - SWOT analysis
    - Learning organizations

Hughes, M. & Wearing, M. (2009) “Chapter 3: Organisational Change ” pp.56-77.

Devine, M. (2010) pp. 114-134.

1-5 August

- Leadership, Decision Making and Risk
    - Dominant approaches to leadership
    - Approaches to decision making
    - Client involvement in decision making

Hughes, M. & Wearing, M. (2009) “Chapter 4: Leadership, Decision Making and Risk ” pp.78-99.


8-12 August

- Communication Skills for Policy, Advocacy, Management and Community practice
    - Communication Skills for Non-Clinical Practice
   - Macro Communication Formats
   - Who is the Client in Macro Practice?
   - Fiduciary Responsibilities in Management Practice
   - Task Communication in Management Practice
   - Public Relations in Management Practice
   - Persuasive and Motivational Speech
Plionis, E. M. (2007) pp.73-84.


15-19 August

- The Project Design and Management
- General Evaluation and Discussion
  - Flashback to previous lectures

Kahramanoğlu, E. (1994) Proje Tasarımı ve Yönetimi, pp.377-389.


- Final exam (written)

Official Statement of the Course Description
Concepts and theories of organisation and administration/management. Basic characteristics and types of social work organisations. Dimensions and principles of management/ administration in social work organisation. Organisational conflict and changes. Project design and management in the fields of social work. Applying modern management concepts and approaches to social work. Social worker as administrator.
Required Texts
  1. Genç, N. (2004) Yönetim ve Organizasyon: Çağdaş Sistemler ve Yaklaşımlar, Ankara, Seçkin Yayınevi
2.      Hardina, D. et al (2007) An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations, New York: Springer Publishing Company.
3.      Heffernan, K. (2006) “Social Work, New Public Management and the Language of ‘Service User’” British Journal of Social Work, 36, pp.139-147.
4.      Hughes, M. & Wearing, M. (2009) Organisations and Management in Social Work, London, Sage Publications.
5.      Kahramanoğlu, E. (1994) Proje Tasarımı ve Yönetimi, pp.377-389.
6.      Plionis, E. M. (2007) Competency in generalist practice: a guide to theory and evidence-based decision making: Oxford University Press.
7.      Tsui, M.-S., & Cheung, F. C. H. (2009). Social Work Administration Revisited. Journal of Social Work, 9(2), pp.148-157.
Recommended Texts
1.      Demirel, D. (2005) “Kamusal Retorikte Moda Trend: Yeni Kamu Yönetimi”, Sayıştay Dergisi, 58, 105-135. (Fulltext link - PDF)
2.      Devine, M. (2010) Participation in Organizational Change Processes in Human Services Organizations: The Experiences of One Group of Frontline Social Workers. Administration in Social Work, 34(2), pp. 114-134.
3.      Güzelsarı, S. (2004) “Kamu Yönetimi Disiplininde  Yeni Kamu Işletmeciliği ve Yönetişim Yaklaşimlari”, AÜ SBF, GETA Tartışma Metinleri Serisi, pp.1-22. (Fulltext link - PDF)
4.      White, V. & Harris, J. (2007) “Management” Social Work: A companion to learning, (M. Lymbery and K. Postle Eds.), London, Sage Pub., pp.240-268